Dr. Hiro, MD

Musculoskeletal Medicine, Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation

About Me

My Story

Rehabilitation is a Journey

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Of the many proverbs I learned growing up in Japan, this is the one that resonates in my heart the most. My life’s journey, from immigrating to the United States to working as a chemical engineer in a pharmaceutical company and transitioning into the field of medicine, consisted of taking disciplined steps toward my goals.

I think the journey of rehabilitation is somewhat similar. Whether you are trying to improve low back pain or enhance your ability to walk again, the journey to rehabilitation consists of small steps that involve therapy, pain management, and possibly interventions. Along the way, you will meet and interact with many different people from various backgrounds, including doctors, therapists, chiropractors, and more.Sometimes, we can’t expect positive outcomes overnight. It takes small steps to achieve what you desire. As a physiatrist, or a doctor specialized in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, I would like to help you take that initial step.

My Vision

My vision is to become a doctor who can guide patients through the journey of rehabilitation. My specialty and primary interest lie in musculoskeletal medicine, yet I am excited to discuss all facets of rehabilitation in my blog.

My Mission

My mission on this blog is to:

A: Discuss medical topics in simplified terms so that it is easy to understand

B: Discuss different rehabilitation approaches that one could pursue

C: Discuss some of topics related to my hobbies including soccer

D: Discuss what I and my friends find interesting about Japan